December 15, 2008

Beeves ... Shush

Okay, so yesterday Cayden had a hard time listening to Mike while we were cooking dinner. He wanted to be in the kitchen under our feet and we wanted him to play in the living room. We fought with him for about a half hour. Then it happened... 
Mike: "Cayden, please get out of the kitchen."
Cayden: "Shush!"
Mike: "Don't tell Daddy to shush."
Cayden: "Shush"
Mike: "If you tell Daddy to shush again, you'll be in time out before you can say Beeves"
Cayden: "Beeves"
Mike and Nicole exchange a look.
Cayden noticing the exchange tries again: "Beeves ... Shush!"
Mike: "Go to time out NOW!"
Cayden runs to time out and starts to cry.
Why does he feel the need to test us and disobey so much? He seems to be getting too smart for his britches. 

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