January 9, 2009

Tools & Hide-n-Seek

For Christmas, Cayden received a tool bench and a bunch of tools from my mom. He has been having such a blast playing with them. If something is "broken" he'll fix it. He's fixed the vents, couch, counters, his rocking chair, and many other items. The other day he was playing with his tools and I couldn't resist taking a picture. He's growing up so fast!
Then, after I took the picture, he decided he needed to hide from me. Mike and him play Hide-n-Seek all the time. So he knows all the good places to hide. One of those places is his closet. For an almost three year old, he can stand still and be quiet while he's hiding. Any other time, that's not even possible. He's become a master at Hide-n-Seek. I don't know if that's a good thing or not. But he has fun.

January 5, 2009

Take a deep breath

So When Cayden is freaking out (usually when he wants Mike or something he can't have) I say, "take a deep breath and let it out." That way he can calm down and I can figure out what he wants. It usually helps and he can stop crying enough to tell me he wants his Daddy or whatever it was he wanted.
Today he has been acting the same as usual... Not listening and playing when he's supposed to be sleeping and eating. So, I've done a lot more "Cayden... Eat!" and "Cayden... Go to sleep!"
I guess he's catching on to the "take a deep breath" thing because while he's playing and I'm "Cayden'ing" at him, he looks at me and gives me THE LOOK and then takes a deep breath.
I grin and ask if he's trying to tell Mommy to calm down and take a deep breath. He smiles and nods. 
So I take the deep breath and he tells me to do it again. I ask if he thinks Mommy is freaking out too much today. He grins again and tells me to take another deep breath.
He's still playing with his food... but I'm calmer. The breathing thing really does work, and he makes me laugh with his grown up breathing.

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