August 31, 2008

Laugh Till You Cry

In the middle of writing the last blog, Cayden wanted to Rock-a-Baby with me. Rock-a-Baby is where I hold him, usually after his bath, and sing "rock a bye baby" over and over while I rock him... Pretty much it's like the name... Rock-a-Baby.
Anyway, Cayden wanted to Rock-a-Baby, so I stopped blogging and we played for a bit.
In the middle of me singing, he started yelling "Quiet!" over and over. So I stopped singing. Then he would say "again, Rock-a-Baby". So we'd start up again. Well, it turned into a game of me singing and him yelling "Quiet!" 
I started laughing, which made him yell more. I laughed so hard that I started to cry. I haven't laughed like that in such a long time. It was nice!
Then it was MY TURN...
He held my head and sang Rock-a-Baby while I yelled "Quiet!".... We both laughed and cried for about ten minutes. It was so much fun!!

So I'm a Serial Killer...

... of tiny little bugs... Yuck!
Last night, I was picking up the living room so I could go to bed and saw something on the floor. I get closer and it's a piece of food of some sort... off of Cayden's plate I'm sure. Well, the piece of food was COVERED in tiny sugar ants. So I got out the Q Tips (yep... the Q Tips where my weapon of choice) and started smashing as many ants as I could. I think I killed about fifteen of them. A lot went back under my wall, so I'll have to find a way to get them out.
After a few minutes, I looked down my wall towards my bookcase and saw some cobwebs. So... I started taking out my photo albums. Under one of the albums was this spider. About the size of a dime. YIKES!
I carefully figured out how I was going to go about and kill this spider.... I now had no idea where he was located due to my "fling-the-album/spider-across-the-room" shriek. I got the flash light and found him climbing up my couch. So, I use my spanish book to smash him. 
All in all, I killed fifteen ants, 2 spiders, and a fly. 
Why do they find the need to come into my house?? 
Entering Nicole's house WILL cause death or serious injury!
 Enter At Your Own Risk!

August 30, 2008

Silly Boy

Today Cayden and I were looking at the videos on my phone. This video was taken on July 21 of this year. As we watch this, Cayden starts to giggle. He giggles so hard that he gives himself the hiccups. He is such a silly boy!

August 25, 2008

Evergreen State Fair

Yesterday after church we went to the Evergreen State Fair with Mike's mom. We left around 4PM and it was sprinkling. Mike was positive it would stop raining by the time we got to Monroe. I wasn't so sure, but we went anyway. When we got there it wasn't too bad, but it didn't show signs of stopping. We went to the horse arena to stay dry and watch the horses race. They are so beautiful when they run... and boy can they run FAST!
After we were done watching the horses, we ventured back outside for a bit. It had turned from a sprinkle to almost a down pour. We bought some ponchos to keep us dry. They kept ripping, so we only used them for a little while. The water on the ground was high enough to cover our feet sometimes.... smart me, was wearing flip flops. Needless to say, I was sopping wet! My pants we wet up to mid-shin area. Cayden was in his stroller for most of the day. He still got really wet. We had him wear a poncho, but he didn't like it.
All in all we had a great day. We ate some fair food and hung out together. 

August 23, 2008

Super Good Deal!

Okay, so on Thursday we went to Sears with Mike's dad. I really don't know for what... but I got the BEST deal ever! 
I have been in need of a new purse for so long. So I've been looking at them off and on. I wanted one that wasn't huge, but had enough spots for all I need. 
Then I found it... In the clearance section!
It is super cute and has all the compartments that I need. 
- cell phone pocket
- a pocket for my keys.
- a zip pocket in the middle. (I can put Cayden's diaper and wipes in it, along with his WIC folder and my address book.)
- two side sections for my comb, mirror, and whatever.
This is all good, but the best part is the price.
It was a $50 purse and I only paid $9.76 for it.
Isn't that the best deal ever?!? I thought so and I'm guessing Mike did too because I now own it.

August 13, 2008

Family Fun...

This weekend my brother (Jacob) and his family (Eeva, Josiah & Norah) came over the mountains for a visit. They have been in Finland for the last three weeks visiting Eeva's family. So it' was really nice to see them again. 
Josiah and Cayden are only 7.5 months apart. They are like night and day... 
Josiah is quiet and calm... Cayden is loud and very active! 
Even though they are different, they love to play together. 
All last week we told Cayden that Josiah was coming over to play soon. So when the day actually came, he was super excited! He's wanted to play with him for about two weeks now. They played football and ran around the park for hours. Every time they saw each other, they would get excited and hold hands. Cayden would call Josiah "my 'Siah" and Josiah would just yell "Cayden!" It was fun watching them together.
Norah is about three months old and such a beauty! Cayden got to hold her for the first time... unfortunately it was too quick, so we didn't get any pictures. She is rolling over and she already thinks she's the boss. I got to hold her for a little bit and she is wonderful.
 Plus it was nice to hold someone smaller than Cayden. 
This week Mike's sister (Jamie) and her husband (Jordan) are in town. We haven't seen Jamie since January and Jordan since last Oct. So it is really nice to see them again. Cayden is enjoying his Aunt and Uncle very much. We hung out with them last night and Cayden kept calling Jordan "Jacob" and then whenever we would ask him to say "Jordan" he would say something totally different... unless he was getting a stick of gum. Hopefully he'll get his name right before they leave. 

August 8, 2008

Cayden's 1st Hike

Here are some pictures of our hike up Mount Index. It took us about 5 hours and according to the internet, it was an eight mile hike. Cayden walked about 75% of it. We carried him over the tough rocks and then the last little bit (he fell asleep the last 20 minutes). 
He did WONDERFUL and we are so proud of him!!

August 5, 2008

Mercies are New Every Morning... Thank God!

Tonight has been one of those kind of nights...
It started off well. Really well actually, Cayden was playing nicely, and it was just a nice evening.
Then I went to do some laundry.... and it began.
I came back from the laundry room and Cayden met me at the door. He needed to show me something in the kitchen. So I followed him and he had broken an egg on the floor. He had cleaned up the shell, but the egg was still all over. He has done this MANY times, so I'm used to cleaning up raw eggs off the kitchen floor. I mopped the kitchen and set out to make a snack.
Time goes by and Cayden needs to go potty. So I take him in and he does WONDERFUL!! 
Then he sticks his foot into the toilet before we could flush it. So I set him in the bath tub and ran some water over his foot. He was playing with some bath toys (no water) so I went to get his towel out of the laundry room. During the few moments I was out, he had to go poop. Because when I came back there was diareah type poopy all over the tub, bathroom floor, a cup, and his body. Mind you, I was only gone for a few moments. The good thing is, he had tried to clean it up (I think) with the cup.... or something.
So, I cleaned up the mess, washed the floor on my hands and knees (we don't own a mop) and noticed that the floor was getting more water. I looked up and he was pouring water out of the bath tub (he was trying to help me clean the tub). 
That made me want to cry. I already had emotions in me that have no way to express them, but crying, yelling, hiding and none of those help releave the emotion....
Anyway, so I reminded Cayden that water stays in the tub, not on the floor. 
So then I started to mop up the extra water... then I heard the sound of falling water. He quit helping mommy clean and decided to water his toy on the side of the tub. Water came crashing back onto my floor.
I lost it then. I'm sad to say, I started yelling and turned off the water and made him sit in the tub until I was done mopping the bathroom floor.
At this point, I still had not cleaned the poopy off of him yet. He cleaned most of it, but not with soap. I think a half hour had gone by all together. 
So, I got the bathroom all clean... the tub, floor (x3), Cayden. I was ready to relax and not clean any other mess up.
He goes and plays, so I think. He returns to the bathroom as I'm finishing up and says, "come check mommy." with a oops look on his face.
I take a deep breath and walk into the kitchen to find he had gotten into the fridge and grabbed my drink and spilt it onto the floor.
I was past upset now. I quietly grabbed my rag and mopped the kitchen floor again. I got a sippy of milk, and put him to bed.
The cool thing is, tomorrow God's mercies are gonna be new. Which is good, because I think I've used up a lot today. I can start fresh with Cayden and forget about all the messes from tonight. So, I think I'm gonna go to bed. 
Good Night and Sleep Tight!

August 1, 2008

Baking a Cake

after he ate some batter... yummy!
Reading directions
look Mommy
Cayden trying to open the frosting

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