July 25, 2008

First Blog

Well, I've had this blog for awhile now, but never used it. So today is my first blog... yeah for putting your thoughts out onto the internet for people to see. 
Yesterday we went with Mike's mom to Jetty Island here in Everett. We had a lot of fun. Cayden loved playing in the water and sand. He was covered head to toe with wet sand. FUN! He enjoyed smacking the puddles of water/sand and getting it everywhere. 
I went out with him for awhile and played in the sand too. It was fun getting dirty and digging in the holes to find the oysters. The oysters were the size of my fingernail. When I would start to dig for them, they would go deeper and water would gush up. The water was warm and made the sand very wet. I built a mountain (that was about all you could make since the sand was so wet) with a moat around it and then another mountain. Then Cayden flattened the first mountain and flung sand all over me. 
When it was time to leave he didn't throw too much of a fit. Which was really nice. We had to ride a boat to and from the Island. Cayden was being himself and flirting with the girls (in their 20's) and then he became very concerned with the boy next to him who had an owie.  The boys thought he was cute and funny, the boy could have cared less.
All in all we had a wonderful time!

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